Data Protection Statement


At On Performance, data protection and the secure handling of personal data are of highest priority. That is why On Performance does everything to be able to guarantee that provided personal data are handled based on current law on personal data (e.g. EU-General data protection regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) applicable since the 25th of May 2018).

On Performance assures GDPR compliance. This data protection statement points out, how we handle any kind of information though does not claim to be entire in terms of data protection thus includes data protection foundations, which On Performance uses in order to assure the integrity of any person.

On Performance has the right to adjust this data protection statement from time to time to make it complaint with the then applicable law (e.g. GDPR).

On Performance is responsible for the personal data that On Performance is provided with.


On Performance`s processing of personal data


Personal data are data that can directly or indirectly be connected to a person (e.g. name, phone number, address).

Personal data that On Performance processes

On Performance collects and processes a variety of personal data, such as name, address, email-addresses, phone numbers, IP-addresses, bank account numbers etc.

Personal data that on performance processes if you visit the website of On Performance

If you visit the website solely for informational purposes and do not register any information, On Performance only collects and saves the personal data provided by your browser to our server. If you want to display our website, On Performance collects and saves the data technically necessary in order for On Performance to be able to display our website and guarantee the website`s stability and safety (legal basis is article 6, paragraph 1, sentence 1 Lit. f GDPR):

IP address
Date and timestamp of the request
Time zone difference based on Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)
Content of the request (specific page)
Access status/HTTP-statuscode
Respectively transferred data-volume
The website from which the request originates
Operating system and it`s point of intersection
Languages and version of the browser-software

Purpose of the processing of personal data

Personal data are used to offer you the access to On-Performance services, to pay possible partners and to manage those, conduct internal analyses and to fulfil other duties. Your personal data can be used for other purposes, based on current law and/or existing agreements.

Transmission and forwarding of personal data

On Performance does not transmit or forward personal data without written agreement of the interested parties to any third party. Exceptions are legal inquiries and if the forwarding of such data is legally relevant to prevent or stop any kind of criminal activity.



Approval and rights

If legally ordered and/or relevant, On Performance will get your approval before forwarding any kind of personal data.

You have the right to revoke your approval to process your personal data in writing. Furthermore, you have the right to demand that personal data related to you get deleted, corrected or restricted.

You have the right to access personal data in digital form and/or file a complaint in regards to the processing of your personal data with the relevant authorities.

If personal data related to you should be wrong or irrelevant, On Performance will identify and delete these data as fast as possible and to its fullest.


On Performance has adopted sufficient measures (both technical as well as organisational) in order to protect personal data from unauthorized access and to ensure that only those personal data are processed that are absolutely necessary for any current processing-purpose.


A cookie is a datafile that is saved in your browser. A cookie contains no personal information and no connection between the saved information and a persons identity can be drawn.
The usage of cookies by On Performance happens within the framework of the GDPR and other current, applicable laws.

If you do not want cookies to be present for you, you can change this within your browser-settings. This can though lead to the fact that websites do not work as intended any longer. How you deactivate cookies is dependent on which browser, you are using.



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Wir nutzen Cookies um sicher zu stellen, dass wir Ihnen das bestmögliche Erlebnis auf unserer Website gewährleisten können. Wenn Sie sich dazu entscheiden, diese Website weiterhin zu nutzen, gehen wir davon aus, dass Sie sich damit einverstanden erklären.